Awards and salary support I have received since 2012
September 1st, 2020
2017 Awarded as a founding member of the G4HJ Student Committee
2017 Concordia Accelerator Award, $5,000
2017 3MT Concordia Finalist
2016-18 Concordia Public Scholars Award, $10,000
2016-18 Bourse, Centre INRS-Institut Armand-Frappier, $2,000
2016 Concordia University Conference and Exposition Award, $977.75
2016 Concordia Graduate Entrance Award, $10,000
2015 Selected by University Communications Services (UCS) as Concordia’s Newsmaker of the Week
2015 Selected by University Communications Services (UCS) as Concordia’s Newsmaker of the Year 2015
2015 Campaign for A New Millennium Graduate Scholarship-School of Graduate studies, Concordia, $1000
2014 Selected by University Communications Services (UCS) as Concordia’s Newsmaker of the Week
2014 POSTER AWARD- runner up best poster for PhD Concordia INDI program: 1st annual research exposition.
September 17th, 2014. Montreal, Quebec, $150
2014 CIHR Training Grant in Population Intervention for Chronic Disease Prevention: A Pan‐Canadian Program (PICDP), $2,000
2014-17 Bourse de la Fonds de recherche Québec - santé (FRQS), $20,000/year
2014 Bourse de la Fondation CHU Sainte-Justine, $11 880
2013 Centre de Recherche du Centre Hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CRCHUM), 500$ Bourses Défi
CRCHUM de formation Professionnelle 2012-2013
2013 Canadian Society for Epidemiology and Biostatistics (CSEB) Student Travel Award, $284 -CSEB National Student Conference
and 2013 CSEB Biennial Conference (Co-winner)
2011 Graduate Research Enhancement and Travel (GREAT) Award, $500 -McGill University
2011 Dan Marisi Award, $500-McGill University (Co-winner)
2010-11 CIHR - Psycho-Oncology Research Training (PORT) Fellowship Award, $17,500
2010 Graduate Research Enhancement and Travel (GREAT) Award, $500- McGill University