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September 1st 2020


Oral (n=48) & poster presentations (n=57) since 2010

Conferences and oral scientific presentations

At the host university or research institute (n=1)

1. O’Loughlin EK, Smith-Turchyn J, Vani MF, Sabiston CM (on behalf of the Connect for Exercise team). Connecting breast cancer survivors for exercise: preliminary results for a two-arm randomized controlled trial. CELPHIE research group virtual meeting; Friday, October 28h, 2022. (invited presentation).  

Provincial or regional scale (n=9) Note: The first is since my post-doctoral candidacy commenced

  1. Riglea T, Kalubi J,  O’Loughlin EK, Pelekanakis A, O’Loughlin J. Projet PromeSS. Presented to the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux. October 20th, 2020.

  2. Riglea T, O’Loughlin EK, Doré I, O'Loughlin J. Écrans chez les adolescents et jeunes adultes: 8 études au Québec. Consultations sur l'utilisation des écrans et la santé des jeunes, Ministère de la santé et des services sociaux du Québec. Québec (Canada), February 10, 2020. 

  3. Lauzon B, Dutczak H, Datta G, Cengelli S, O’Loughlin EK, Glavas V, O’Loughlin J. A systematic review of longitudinal population-based studies on the predictors of smoking initiation in adolescence. Colloque annuelle de AEESPUM, Feb 2015. Montreal, Quebec.

  4. Brunetti V, Pigeon E, Jen Y, O’Loughlin EK, O’Loughlin JL. Écrans et sommeil: où est le problème? LES ÉCRANS: LIBÉRATION OU ESCLAVAGE ?  UQTR, Trois-Rivières, Quebec, mercredi 4 mars 2015

  5. O’Loughlin EK, Brunet J. Goal Setting and the Transtheoretical Model of Change. Fit @ McGill. Montreal, Quebec, March 23rd, 2011

  6. O’Loughlin, EK. Job talk. Health and exercise psychology (guest lecturer in undergraduate course).  McGill University. Montreal, Quebec, November 20th, 2012.

  7. O’Loughlin EK, Low N, Castonguay A, Dugas E, Martin K, O’Loughlin J. Weight- and Body-Related Shame and Guilt in Adolescents. Réunion Équipe PRODIGY27. Ste-Justine hospital. Montreal, Quebec, September 28th, 2012

  8. O’Loughlin EK, Dugas EN, Sabiston CM, O’Loughlin JL. Prevalence and correlates of exergaming in youth. Réunion Équipe PRODIGY25. Ste-Justine Hospital. Montreal, Quebec, January 2012

  9. O’Loughlin EK, Dugas EN, Sabiston CM, O’Loughlin JL. Prevalence and correlates of exergaming in youth (in French). Invited to present at the Réunion Équipe Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ). Montreal, Quebec, April 4th, 2012


National scale (n=23) Note: The first 11 are since my post-doctoral candidacy commenced

  1. O'Loughlin EK, Murray R, Smith-Turchyn J, Vani MF, Sabiston CM. Connecting women living beyond breast cancer for physical activity change: the importance of partner quality and social support on physical activity. Journal of Exercise, Movement, and Sport (SCAPPS refereed abstracts repository). 2023 Oct 12;54(1).

  2. Marashi M, Brown DM, O'Loughlin EK, Sabiston CM. An Evaluation of a Body Image Training Course for Health Professionals. Journal of Exercise, Movement, and Sport (SCAPPS refereed abstracts repository). 2023 Oct 12;54(1).

  3. Vani MF, Marashi M, O'Loughlin EK, Sabiston CM. Examining changes in functionality appreciation and physical self-concept: A resistance training intervention for women diagnosed with breast cancer. In JOURNAL OF SPORT & EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY 2023 May 1 (Vol. 45, pp. S120-S121). 1607 N MARKET ST, PO BOX 5076, CHAMPAIGN, IL 61820-2200 USA: HUMAN KINETICS PUBL INC.

  4. Ta M, O’Loughlin EK, O’Loughlin JL, Paradis G, Holmes E, Mowat D, Maximova K. “Major declines in resources to deliver population-based approaches for chronic disease prevention in Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic: Results from PHORCAST 2022-2023.” Oral at the Third World Non-Communicable Diseases Congress, Toronto, ON, June 25-30, 2023.

  5. Ta M, O’Loughlin EK, O’Loughlin JL, Paradis G, Holmes E, Mowat D, Maximova K. “Increasing centralization of Canada’s infrastructure for chronic disease prevention and healthy lifestyle promotion: Evidence from PHORCAST 2004-2023.” Oral at the Third World Non-Communicable Diseases Congress, Toronto, ON, June 25-30, 2023.

  6. Struik L, O’Loughlin EK, Riglea T, O’Loughlin J. Factors associated with past-year e-cigarette use among young adults. SRNT 2022 Annual Meeting. Baltimore, Mar 2022

  7. Melissa LD, Nesbitt AE, Murray RM, O'Loughlin EK, Sabiston CM, O'Loughlin JL. Patterns of physical activity, stress and coping and associations with depression symptoms in young adults: A latent class approach. Journal of Exercise, Movement, and Sport (SCAPPS refereed abstracts repository). 2021;52(1).

  8. Thibodeau D, O'Rourke R, Vani M, O'Loughlin EK, Sabiston C. What are important factors for physical activity peer-partners among women with cancer?. Journal of Exercise, Movement, and Sport (SCAPPS refereed abstracts repository). 2023 Oct 12;54(1).

  9. Brown DM, Marashi M, O'Loughlin EK, Sabiston CM. Correlates of anti-fat attitudes in health professionals. In JOURNAL OF SPORT & EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY 2023 May 1 (Vol. 45, pp. S64-S64). 1607 N MARKET ST, PO BOX 5076, CHAMPAIGN, IL 61820-2200 USA: HUMAN KINETICS PUBL INC.

  10. O’Loughlin EK, Smith-Turchyn J, Vani MF, Sabiston CM (on behalf of the Connect for Exercise team). Connecting breast cancer survivors for exercise: preliminary results for a two-arm randomized controlled trial. 2022 IPOS World Congress scheduled for Aug 29 – Sept 1, 2022 in Toronto, Canada.

  11. Riglea T., O'Loughlin EK, Sabiston C. Bélanger M., Sylvestre MP, O'Loughlin J, Physical Activity Levels and Exergaming Pre- and During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Longitudinal Study of Young Adults in Canada. 2021 NASPSPA Virtual Conference, June 9-11, 2021 (Oral presentation).

  12. Lucibello, K, Sabiston C, O’Loughlin EK, O'Loughlin J. The moderating effect of weight on the relationship between weight perception and physical activity in young adults. Eastern Canada Sport and Exercise Psychology Symposium, 2019, York, Ontario.

  13. O’Loughlin J, Sylvestre MP, Wellman RJ, Dugas EN, O’Loughlin EK, Chagnon M, Struik L, Bottorff J, Montreuil A, Dutczak H. Sex differences in cigarette smoking onset. Invited Presentation, 2017 Canadian Cancer Research Conference. Vancouver, Nov 5-7, 2017

  14. O’Loughlin EK, Kakinami L, Barnett T. Sustained Exergaming in Adolescents. SCAPPS 2016: October 20-23, 2016, Waterloo, ON, Canada

  15. Brunet J, Sabiston CM, O’Loughlin EK, Chaiton M, Low N CP, O’Loughlin JL. Symptoms of depression are longitudinally associated with sedentary behaviors among young men but not among young women. SCAPPS 2013, Kelowna, BC

  16. Jewett R, Sabiston CM, Brunet J, O’Loughlin EK, O’Loughlin JL. In-school and non-school sport participation during adolescence and mental health outcomes in early adulthood. Canadian Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology. Kelowna, BC, October 2014

  17. Contreras G, O’Loughlin EK (presenter), Sabiston C, O'Loughlin J. Prevalence and correlates of meeting moderate-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) guidelines in a population-based sample of adolescent smokers and non smokers. 2013 Canadian Society for Epidemiology and Biostatistics (CSEB) National Conference. St. John’s, Newfoundland, June 24-26, 2013

  18. Struik LL, O’Loughlin EK, Dugas EN, Bottorff JL, O’Loughlin JL. Bringing gender into psychosocial oncology: does gender influence adolescents’ reasons to quit smoking? Abstract submitted for the 2013 Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology (CAPO) Conference. Ottawa, Ontario, April 24-26, 2013

  19. Contreras G, O’Loughlin EK, Sabiston C, O'Loughlin J. Prevalence and correlates of meeting moderate-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) guidelines in a population-based sample of adolescent smokers and non smokers. Canadian Public Health Association (CPHA) 2013 Annual Conference. Ottawa, Ontario, June 9-12, 2013

  20. Brunet J, Sabiston CM, Chaiton M, Barnett TA, O’Loughlin EK, Low N CP, O’Loughlin JL. The association between past and current physical activity and depressive symptoms in young adults: A 10-year prospective study. Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology (SCAPPS). Halifax, Nova Scotia, November 1-3rd, 2012

  21. Leclerc BS, O’Loughlin EK, Cantinotti M, Comtois D, Tremblay M, Racicot S, McGrath J, Laguë J, O’Loughlin JL .Enquête AdoQuest sur la co-occurrence de comportements à risque chez les adolescents du Québec : de la connaissance à l’action. The Canadian Public Health Association (CPHA). Montreal, Quebec, June 19-22, 2011

  22. O’Loughlin EK, Sabiston CM. Application of the Exercise and Self-Esteem Model among Breast Cancer Survivors: A Pilot Study. Eastern Canadian Sport and Exercise Psychology Symposium (ECSEPS). Wilfrid Laurier University. Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. March 25 –27, 2011

  23. O’Loughlin EK, Sabiston CM. Application of the Exercise and Self-Esteem Model among Breast Cancer Survivors: Testing a Community Based Intervention. Eastern Canadian Sport and Exercise Psychology Symposium (ECSEPS). McGill University. Montreal, Quebec, Canada. March 25 –27, 2010


International scale (n=15) Note: The first 4 are since my post-doctoral candidacy commenced

  1. O'Loughlin EK, Kalubi J, Pelekanakis A, O'Loughlin JL. What makes a health promotion intervention in school perceived as a “success”? Correlates of perceived success of health-promoting interventions in elementary schools in Quebec, Canada. World Congress on Public Health - A World in Turmoil: Opportunities to Focus on the Public’s Health, World Federation of Public Health Associations (WFPHA), Rome, May 2023.

  2. O'Loughlin EK, Riglea T, Kalubi J, O'Loughlin J, Pelekanakis A. What makes a health promotion intervention in school a perceived as a. Population Medicine. 2023 Apr 27;5(Supplement).

  3. O'Loughlin EK, Sabiston CM, O'Loughlin J. Do learning disabilities or mental health diagnoses modify the association between physical activity behavior regulation and physical activity?. In JOURNAL OF SPORT & EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY 2023 May 1 (Vol. 45, pp. S100-S100). 1607 N MARKET ST, PO BOX 5076, CHAMPAIGN, IL 61820-2200 USA: HUMAN KINETICS PUBL INC.

  4. Marashi M, O’Loughlin EK, Sabiston CM, O’Loughlin JL. What predicts food and physical activity tracking among young adults: Results from the longitudinal Canadian NDIT study. ISBNPA 2023 Annual Meeting held June 14-17 2023. (Shortlisted for an award)

  5. Lucibello KM, Sabiston C, O’Loughlin EK, O'Loughlin J. Examining the mediating role of body-related shame and guilt on the relationship between weight perceptions and lifestyle behaviours. NASPSPA June 6-8, 2019. Baltimore, U.S.

  6. Dugas EN, Sylvestre MP, O’Loughlin EK, Brunet J, Kakinami L, Constantin E, O’Loughlin J. Nicotine dependence and sleep quality in young adults. Submitted at the Society for Research on Nicotine & Tobacco (SRNT), Florence (Italy), March 8-11, 2017.

  7. Dugas EN, O’Loughlin EK, Wellman RJ, Sylvestre MP, Chagnon M, Dutczak H, Lague J, McGrath J, O’Loughlin J. Predictors of cigarette smoking initiation in early, middle and late adolescence. Submitted at the Society for Research on Nicotine & Tobacco (SRNT), Florence (Italy), March 8-11, 2017.

  8. O’Loughlin EK, Scarapicchia T, Sabiston C, Kakinami L, Barnette, T. Exergamers' preferences and intentions. The North American Society for Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity conference 2016.June 15th-18th, 2016. Montreal, Quebec.

  9. Bélanger M, O’Loughlin J, Sabiston C, Ward S, O’Loughlin EK, Contreras G, Barnett T. Sustained participation in different physical activities during adolescence relates to physical activity level at adulthood. 5th International Congress on Physical activity and Public Health. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, April 8th to 11th, 2014

  10. Dugas E, Low N, O’Loughlin EK, O’Loughlin J. Predictors of suicidal ideation in young adults. World Congress on Suicide 2013. Montreal, Quebec, June 6-10 2013.

  11. Dugas E, O’Loughlin EK, Low, N., O’Loughlin J. Sustained waterpipe use in youth. SOPHE 64th Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, April 17-19, 2013.

  12. O’Loughlin EK, Barnett T, Dugas EN, O’Loughlin JL. Exergaming among young adults: A descriptive analysis. SOPHE 64th Annual Meeting. Orlando, Florida, April 17-19, 2013.

  13. Chaiton M, Contreras G, Brunet J, Sabiston C, O’Loughlin EK, Low N, Karp I, Barnett TA, O'Loughlin J. Depressive symptom trajectories are associated with mental health outcomes in young adulthood. American Public Health Association (APHA). San Francisco, California, October 27th-31st, 2012

  14. Bessette N, Dhindsa A, O’Loughlin EK, Sabiston C. Exploring breast cancer survivors’ experiences of the Curves© for women physical activity program. North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (NASPSPA). Hawaii, Hawaii June 7-9, 2012.

  15. O’Loughlin EK, Kakinami L, Barnett T. Sustained Exergaming in Adolescents. Digital Health: 6th International Conference 2016. Montreal, Quebec, Canada. April 12th, 2016 (Invited speaker).


Poster presentations

At the host university or research institute (n=10) Note: The first is since my post-doctoral candidacy commenced

  1. O’Loughlin EK, Sabiston CM, O’Loughlin JL. Active video game use (exergaming) over 10 years among young Canadian adults. PERFORM Centre Research Conference. Virtually: May 10-13, 2021.

  2. O’Loughlin EK, Sabiston C, Kakinami L, Barnett T, Dejonge, M, Lucibello, K, O’Loughlin J. What motivates FitBit users? PERFORM 2019 conference, May 2019. Montreal, Canada

  3. O’Loughlin EK, Kakinami L, Barnett T. Sustained Exergaming in Adolescents. Concordia INDI program: 2nd annual research exposition. March 16th, 2017. Montreal, Quebec.

  4. O’Loughlin  EK, Scarapicchia T, Barnett T,  Kakinami L , Sabiston C. Testing the Reliability of the Exergaming Preferences and Intention Scale (EXPAI). 3rd Annual PERFORM Centre Research Conference on May 19th, 2016. Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec

  5. O’Loughlin EK, Kakinami, Barnett T, Belanger M, Sabiston C, Contreras G, Dugas E, O’Loughlin J. Weight misperception and physical activity among young adults. PERFORM conference at Concordia, Montreal Spring 2017

  6. Brunetti V, Pigeon E, Jen Y, O’Loughlin EK (presenter), O’Loughlin JL. Association between Sedentary and Screen Time and Adolescent Sleep. Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, 2nd Annual PERFORM Centre Research Conference, May 15th, 2015.

  7. Brunetti V, Pigeon E, O’Loughlin EK, O’Loughlin J, Constantin E, Jen Y. Comportements sédentaires avec et sans écran et le sommeil chez les adolescents. Congrès d’etudiants du CRCHUM, Montreal, May 2016 (poster).

  8. Jewett R, Sabiston CM, Franks GA, Brunet J, Belanger M, O’Loughlin EK (presenter), & O’Loughlin J. Team Versus Individual Sports Participation In Adolescence And Depressive Symptoms In Early Adulthood. Concordia University, Graduate Symposium in the Department of Education. Montreal, Quebec. March 28th, 2015.

  9. O’Loughlin EK, Barnett, T, Dugas EN, O’Loughlin JL. Exergaming among young adults: A descriptive analysis. Concordia INDI program: 1st annual research exposition. September 17th, 2014. Montreal, Quebec.

  10. O’Loughlin EK, Barnett, T, Dugas EN, O’Loughlin J. Exergaming chez les jeunes adultes : une analyse descriptive. XXIXe édition du congrès de la recherche des étudiants des cycles supérieurs et des post-doctorants en recherche du CHU Ste Justine. May 29th, 2014. Montreal, Quebec


Provincial or regional scale (n=4) Note: The first 3 are since my post-doctoral candidacy commenced

  1. Kalubi J, O’Loughlin EK, Riglea T, Potvin L, O’Loughlin J. Does a positive health promoting school culture differ between advantaged, moderately advantaged and disadvantaged elementary schools? Poster presented at: 24th International Union for Health Promotion and Education World Conference on Health Promotion. Montreal (Canada), May 15-19, 2022 [online due to Covid-19]

  2. Kalubi J, O’Loughlin EK, Riglea T, Pelekanakis A, O’Loughlin J. Facteurs liés au succès perçu des interventions de promotion de la santé dans les écoles primaires. Abstract submitted to the Journées annuelles de santé publique 2021, Montreal (Canada), November 23-25 2021.

  3. Kalubi J, O’Loughlin EK, Riglea T, Potvin L, O’Loughlin J. Développement d’échelles de mesure de la culture scolaire. Congrès scientifique annuel du CReSP, 13-14 octobre 2021 [en ligne].

  4. Dutczak H, Wellman R, Sylvestre MP, O’Loughlin EK, Montreuil A, Datta G, O'Loughlin J. Exposition aux facteurs de risque pour le tabagisme: le rôle du statut socioéconomique. Submitted at the Journées annuelles de santé publique (JASP), Quebec City (Canada), December 5-6th, 2017


National scale (n=24) Note: The first 3 are since my post-doctoral candidacy commenced

  1. O'Loughlin EK, Marashi M, Sabiston CM, Lucibello KM, Sylvestre MP,  O'Loughlin JL.Predictors of food and physical activity tracking among young adults. (Poster) SCAPPS 2022 Conference; Montreal, QC; Dates: October 13-15, 2022

  2. O'Loughlin EK, Sabiston CM, O'Loughlin J. Do learning disabilities or mental health diagnoses modify the association between physical activity behavior regulation and physical activity?. InJOURNAL OF SPORT & EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY 2023 May 1 (Vol. 45, pp. S100-S100). 1607 N MARKET ST, PO BOX 5076, CHAMPAIGN, IL 61820-2200 USA: HUMAN KINETICS PUBL INC.

  3. O'Loughlin EK, Catherine M. Sabiston, Melissa L. deJonge, Kristen M. Lucibello, Jennifer L. O'Loughlin. Physical activity motivation and frequency of activity tracking relate to physical activity. Poster presented at the 2021 NASPSPA conference, Virtually.

  4. O’Loughlin EK, Sabiston C, Kakinami L, Barnett T, O’Loughlin J. What motivates FitBit users? Ottawa Public Health 2019 conference (CPHA), April/May 2019. Ottawa, Canada

  5. O’Loughlin EK, Kakinami L, Barnett T, Belanger M, Sabiston CM, Contreras G, Dugas E, O’Loughlin J. (2017) Weight misperception and health habits among young adults.  To be presented at the Canadian Nutrition Society conference, May 25-27, Montreal QC.

  6. Puig L, Wright A, Dzindzio J, Bewski N, van Rassel C, Scheel D, O’Loughlin EK, Kakinami L. (2017) Validation of a personal Electrical Impedance Myography device for body composition. To be presented at the Canadian Nutrition Society conference, May 25-27, Montreal QC.

  7. Brunetti V, Pigeon É, O’Loughlin EK, O’Loughlin JL, Jen Y. Screen and non-screen sedentary behaviour and sleep in adolescents. 2015 Canadian Sleep Society, Toronto, Sept 2015.

  8. Jewett R, Sabiston CM, Franks GA, Brunet J, Belanger M, O’Loughlin EK, O’Loughlin J. Team versus individual sports participation in adolescence and depressive symptoms in early adulthood, Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology (SCAPPS) Annual Conference. London, Ontario, Oct 2014

  9. Sloan M, Yung E, LeBaron N, Dugas E, O’Loughlin EK, Wellman, R, O’Loughlin J, Low CP. The relationship between coping styles, stressful life events and cannabis in young adults. Canadian Psychology Association 2014. Vanvover, Canada

  10. Low N, Dugas E, O’Loughlin EK, Rodriguez D, Chaiton M, Contreras C, O’Loughlin J. Stressful life events and relationships are associated with mental health symptoms and substance use in young adolescents. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Psychiatric Association. Montreal, Canada, September 28, 2012

  11. Kraus G, Karp I, Dugas E, O’Loughlin EK, Saint Laurent M, Cervantes P, O’Loughlin J, Low N. The role of stressful life events in individuals at high risk for mood disorders: clinical and community samples. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Psychiatric Epidemiology. Montreal, Canada, September 27, 2012

  12. Kraus G, O’Loughlin J, Karp I, Dugas E, O’Loughlin EK, Low N. Stressful Life Events are longitudinally associated with depression in a population-based sample of young adults. Annual meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association. 2013. Québec City, Québec, June 13-15, 2013.

  13. LeBaron, N, Sloan M, Yung E, Dugas E, O’Loughlin EK, O’Loughlin J, Low CP. The Effects of Stressful Life Events and Coping Styles on Suicidal Ideation in Young Adults. Canadian Academy of Psychiatric Epidemiology meeting. Sept 2013 Ottawa, Canada

  14. Sloan M, Yung E, LeBaron N, Dugas E, O’Loughlin EK, O’Loughlin J, Low CP. The Effect of Stress and Coping on Alcohol Use in Young Adults. Canadian Academy of Psychiatric Epidemiology meeting. Sept 2013

  15. Sloan M, Yung E, LeBaron N, Dugas E, O’Loughlin EK, O’Loughlin J, Low CP. The Effect of Stressful Life Events and Coping on Cannabis Use in Young Adults. Canadian Academy of Psychiatric Epidemiology meeting. Sept 2013. Ottawa, Canada

  16. Kraus G, O’Loughlin J, Karp I, Dugas E, O’Loughlin EK, Low N. Stressful life events are longitudinally associated with depression in a population-based sample of young adults. Annual meeting of the Canadian Psychiatric Association, 2013. Ottawa, Ontario, September 26 - 28, 2013

  17. Yung E, O’Loughlin J, Dugas E, O’Loughlin EK, Karp I, Low N. Emotion and task-oriented coping styles modify the association between stressful life events and depressive symptoms in young adults. Annual meeting of the Canadian Psychiatric Association, 2013. Ottawa, Ontario, September 26 - 28, 2013

  18. Low N, Rodriguez D, Contreras G, Dugas E, O’Loughlin EK, O’Loughlin J. Stressful life events and relationships are associated with mental health symptoms and substance use in young adolescents. Canadian psychiatric association meeting (CPA). Montreal, Quebec,  September 28, 2012

  19. O’Loughlin EK, Sabiston CM, O’Loughlin JL. Weight perception and physical activity motivation among adolescent exergamers. Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology (SCAPPS). Winnipeg, Manitoba, October 13-15, 2011

  20. O’Loughlin EK, Sabiston CM, Dugas E ,Low N, Brunet J, Chaiton, M , O’Loughlin JL. Does meeting physical activity guidelines relate to depression in young adults? The Canadian Public Health Association (CPHA). Montreal, Quebec, June 19-22, 2011

  21. Dugas E, O’Loughlin EK, Brunet J ,O’Loughlin JL. Do physically active young adults use waterpipe? The Canadian Public Health Association (CPHA). Montreal, Quebec, June 19-22, 2011

  22. O’Loughlin EK, Sabiston CM .Association between self-esteem and depression and anxiety symptoms among women diagnosed and treated for Breast Cancer. The Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology (CAPO). Toronto, Ontario, May 4-6, 2011

  23. O’Loughlin EK, Sabiston CM,  Dugas E, McGrath J, Lauzon B, O’Loughlin JL. Wii “fit”? correlates of time spent video-exercising. Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology (SCAPPS). Ottawa, Ontario, October 28-30, 2010

  24. O’Loughlin EK, Sabiston CM, Dugas E , Low N, Contreras G, O’Loughlin JL. Lace up and wind down: Does meeting physical activity guidelines relate to anxiety? 3rd International Congress on Physical Activity and Public Health. Toronto, Ontario, May 5-10, 2010


International scale (n=19) Note: The first 2 are since my post-doctoral candidacy commenced

  1. Riglea T, Kalubi J,  O’Loughlin EK, Pelekanakis A, Maximova K, O’Loughlin J. Factors associated with the sustainability and institutionalization of health-promoting interventions in Québec elementary schools.  24th IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion, Montréal (Canada), May 15-19 2022.

  2. Kalubi J, O’Loughlin EK, Riglea T, Potvin L, O’Loughlin J. Does a positive health promoting school culture differ between advantaged, moderately advantaged and disadvantaged elementary schools? Poster presented at: 24th World Conference on Health Promotion, International Union for Health Promotion and Education. Montreal (Canada), May 15-19, 2022.

  3. Dugas EN, Hanusaik N, O`Loughlin EK, Winickoff JP, Montreuil A, Wellman RJ, Sylvestre MP, O`Loughlin J. Parental cannabis use is associated with cannabis uptake and use in offspring. Abstract submitted to the Society for Research on Nicotine & Tobacco (SRNT), Munich (Germany), September 6-8, 2018.

  4. Puig L, Wright A, Dzindzio J, van Rassel C, Bewski N, Scheel D, O’Loughlin EK, Kakinami L. Validation of a new personal device to assess body composition in overweight and obese participants: Comparisons with DXA and BIA. To be presented at the 6th International Chair on Cardiometabolic Risk (ICCR) Congress on Chronic Societal Cardiometabolic Diseases, May 15-17 2017, Quebec City, QC. (poster)

  5. Dugas EN, Sylvestre MP, O’Loughlin EK, Brunet J, Kakinami L, Constantin E, O’Loughlin J. Nicotine dependence and sleep quality in young adults. Submitted at the Society for Research on Nicotine & Tobacco (SRNT), Florence (Italy), March 8-11, 2017

  6. Dugas EN, O’Loughlin EK, Wellman RJ, Sylvestre MP, Chagnon M, Dutczak H, Lague J, McGrath J, O’Loughlin J. Predictors of cigarette smoking initiation in early, middle and late adolescence. Submitted at the Society for Research on Nicotine & Tobacco (SRNT), Florence (Italy), March 8-11, 2017.

  7. Fong, A. J., O’Loughlin EK, Sabiston, C. M. (2015). An Evaluation of a Community-based Physical Activity Program for Breast Cancer Survivors. Poster presentation at International Psycho-Oncology Society/ American Psychosocial Oncology Society Conference. July 28 to August 1 in Washington, D.C.

  8. Kakinami L, O’Loughlin EK, Brunet J, Dugas EN, Sabiston CM, O’Loughlin J. How to get a better night’s sleep: be active and reduce sedentary behaviour. American Heart Association EPI/Lifestyle 2015 Scientific Sessions, Baltimore, Maryland, March 3-6, 2015

  9. Kakinami L, O’Loughlin EK, Dugas EN, Sabiston C, Paradis G, O’Loughlin J. Exergaming and physical activity guidelines- A population-based study of young adults. Submitted for consideration to the American Heart Association Nutrition, Physical Activity and Metabolism / Epidemiology and Prevention conference, San Francisco, California, March 18-21, 2014.

  10. O’Loughlin EK, Struik L, Dugas EN, Botorff J, O’Loughlin J. Do reasons to quit smoking differ by socioeconomic status in adolescents? SOPHE 64th Annual Meeting
    Orlando, Florida, April 17-19, 2013

  11. Kraus G, O’Loughlin J, Karp I, Dugas E, O’Loughlin EK, Low N. Stressful life events are associated with depression in a population-based sample of young adults, Annual Meeting of the American Psychopathological Association Meeting, 2013. New York, New York, March 7-9, 2013

  12. Low N, Kraus GE, Karp I, Dugas E, O’Loughlin EK, O’Loughlin J. Stressful life events are longitudinally associated with depression in a population-based sample of young adults. Meeting of the World Congress on Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies in Lima. Peru, July 22 - 25, 2013

  13. O’Loughlin EK, Struik L, Dugas EN, Botorff J, O’Loughlin J. Do reasons to quit smoking differ by socioeconomic status in adolescents? SOPHE 64th Annual Meeting
    Orlando, Florida, April 17-19, 2013

  14. Low N, Kraus G, Karp I, Dugas E, O’Loughlin EK, O’Loughlin J. Stressful life events are longitudinally associated with depression in a population-based sample of young adults. Society of Biological Psychiatry's 67th Annual Scientific Convention and Program. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May 3-5, 2013.

  15. Low N, Kraus G, Karp I, Dugas E, O’Loughlin EK, O’Loughlin J. Stressful life events are associated with depression in a population-based sample of young adults. Society of Biological Psychiatry's 67th Annual Scientific Convention and Program. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May 3-5, 2013.

  16. Kraus G, O'Loughlin J, Karp I, Dugas E, O’Loughlin EK. Stressful life events are associated with depression in a population-based sample of young adults. American Psychiatric Association 166th Annual Meeting. San Francisco, California, May 18-22, 2013

  17. Low NC, Dugas E, Rodriguez D, Contreras G, O’Loughlin EK, Chaiton M, O'Loughlin J. Stressful life events and relationships are associated with mental health symptoms and substance use in young adolescents. 3rd North American Congress of Epidemiology. Montreal, Quebec,  June 21-24, 2011

  18. Scarapicchia T, O’Loughlin EK, Sabiston C. The association between social support and physical activity motivation and behaviour among breast cancer survivors. North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (NASPSPA). Burlington, Vermont, June 9-11, 2011

  19. Low N, Rodriguez D, Contreras G, Dugas E, O’Loughlin EK, O’Loughlin J. Stressful life events and relationships are associated with mental health symptoms and substance use in young adolescents. Annual Meeting of the American Psychopathological Association. New York, New York, March 3-5, 2011

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